Contemporary Uzbek overture: Main tendencies

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Rimma Radman

PhD Student, Musical Art Department

Fine Arts Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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The article considers the current condition of the overture genre in Uzbekistan. Based on the works of well-known and young composers of Uzbekistan and the works of composers from the CIS countries, the author traces the main modern trends in the development of the overture genre. The modern features of the overture’s development in Uzbekistan are manifested in the following main tendencies: the continuity of large “Festive” overtures - a principle that comes from the works of the 20th century (“Fergana Holiday” (1940) by R. Glier, “Festive Overture” (1964) by M. Ashrafi, “Festive Overture” (1985) by M. Tadzhiev and others); their transformations into functionally similar but laconic orchestral and fanfare pieces; in a significant strengthening of the initially formed reliance on various layers of Uzbek traditional music. In combination with the simplicity of language and form, national originality, clarity of style and imagery, make the modern overture one of the representatives and actively developing genres in Uzbekistan.


musical art
overture genre
Uzbekistan composers’ creativity
orchestral works


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