Abai’s motives in the works of Kazakh composers

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Arita Baisakalova


Honored Artist of Kazakhstan, Professor, Special Piano Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatoire


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In the proposed work, dedicated to the piano work of E. Rakhmadiev “On the call of Abai” and

«Festive kui», M. Koishibaev Poem-sonata “In memory of Abai” the artistic and stylistic features of the interpretation of these compositions are considered. The analysis of development is given. The piano texture is focused not only on the transfer of performing techniques, the nature and timbre of the sound of Kazakh folk instruments, but mainly on the figurative content of uniqueness, reflecting the inimitable color of the traditional musical culture of the ethnic group.

These works revealed a new trend for piano music towards the organic interaction of romantic expressiveness, bright concert performance, breadth of the range of images and their significance.

Particular attention is paid to the use of the famous songs of Abay "Aittym salem, Kalamaqas!" and “The blackness of my eyes”. The author of the article touches upon the issues of dramaturgy, content and musical language of the works. This analysis reflects the characteristic features of the author's style, considered in the aspect of the interaction of traditional and innovative. The author of the article dwells on performing tasks - various means of expressiveness, integrity of form, technical difficulties, issues of dynamics and rhythm.


national color
piano ensemble
musical thinking
romantic expression


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