On the Question of Architectonics and Philosophy of Life in the “Wanderings of Korkyt” Ballet Performance

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Kalamkas Jumagaliyeva


Master of Arts, Senior Lecturer, Pedagogy Department, Choreographer-Repetiteur of the Shalkyma Folk Dance Ensemble, Yerkegali Rakhmadiyev State Academic Philharmonic, Excellent Worker of Culture of Kazakhstan

Kazakh National Academy of Choreography



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The artistic and physical existence of Korkyt has repeatedly become the subject of comprehension by scholars from different fields of scholarship. The preserved Turkic legends brought to contemporaries the stories about him as the first shaman, the forefather of kobyz, the composer. Damir Urazymbetov’s ballet performance Wanderings of Korkyt, the field of the study, shown for the first time in 2019 by the artists of the State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in world practice it became the first major choreographic interpretation of the stories of Korkyt. The main purpose of this article is to consider the architectonics of the ballet, the structure of which determines the metaphorical and artistic world of the protagonist. The author continues the studies started by Lyudmila Zhuykova and Togzhan Moldalim, applying the method of the reconstruction of the performance through the analysis of its episodes. The theoretical and empirical approaches support identifying and generalizing the concept of ballet, which consists in the transformation of Korkyt’s existential worldview into a work of art. He, traveling through the epochs in search of eternal life, encounters delusions that destroy the human spirit. The performance features themes of freedom, freedom of the way, and the struggle for life. The culturologist Assiya Mukhambetova believes that the creators of the ballet saw in Korkyt not just another beautiful legend about the power of music, but heard a terrible warning to the humankind in this ancient story. The legend of the first shaman was supposedly created for the ballet art with its passion for the exotic and contrast, oppositions of love and hate, black and white, good and evil. The performance, drawn with the grace of steppe miniatures and music that makes you cry, undoubtedly has healing power. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that in Wanderings of Korkyt the sign and symbolism of the construction of compositions and images of characters are important. The legend of Korkyt, whose creative heritage is a golden thread connecting centuries and peoples, continues to exist in the ballet legend.


Wanderings of Korkyt
national ballet
Kazakh ballet
Damir Urazymbetov
Bulat Ayukhanov
ballet composition


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