Concert Overture “Shunchaki Khazil” by Mustafo Bafoyev through Intertextual Projection

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Zulfiya Muradova


PhD in Arts, Senior Researcher, Head of the Musical Art Department

Art Studies Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sciences Academy


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The theory of intertext, having taken shape in philology, semiotics and cultural studies, was developed in musicology in the last third of the twentieth century. The approach of the prominent representative of musicology in Uzbekistan, Natalia Yanov-Yanovskaya (b. 1934), complements this theory with the concept of intertextual duality in Eastern compositional music, arising from the dialogue between monophonic and multi-voice language systems. The purpose of this article is to argue the thesis put forward by N. Yanov-Yanovskaya about the awareness of national musical culture of its own self-value in modern conditions of interaction between centripetal and centrifugal factors of its development and globalization challenges. To achieve it, semantic, semiotic, hermeneutic approaches are applied, and theoretical experience of studying the phenomenon of intertextuality in music, literature and media art is taken into account.
The concert overture-rondo “Shunchaki Khazil” (Just a Joke) written by Uzbek composer Mustafo Bafoyev (b. 1946) is chosen as a representative object. For the first time it is considered in the aspect of revealing the program idea with the help of the involved intertextual means. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the content basis of this work was the display of Western, Eastern and national cultural scenarios in three episodes of the rondo. The refrain, which included an Uzbek proverb-intext, became an expression of the composer’s creative credo: while studying and perceiving foreign national experience, try not to lose your authentic “face”, just be yourself.
The intertextual apparatus contains quotation, allusion, metaphor, amalgam, image, stylization, adaptation, parody, polystylism, pentatonics, mix of multi-voice texture and timbre coloring of national musical instruments, and program-conditioned rondo form. Demonstrating its fluent mastery and revealing the ideological intent of the overture, Mustafo Bafoyev positions the centripetal platform of his work as characteristics of the Uzbek school of composers at the current stage of development both in terms of stylistic renewal and national-soil discourse. This confirms the validity conclusion of Natalia Yanov-Yanovskaya’s about the growing awareness of the national musical culture self-value as a balance to the trends of globalization.


Natalia Yanov-Yanovskaya
national musical culture
program-conditioned rondo form
Mustafo Bafoyev


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