The View of the Performer-Drummer to the Part of the Drum Kit in the March “Voice of Asia” A. Bestybaev

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Daniyar Botabaev

Master Degree Student, Wind and Percussion Instruments Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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This article provides a performing analysis of the percussion part in the work of the triumphal march "Voice of Asia" by the famous composer Adil Bestybaev. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the drum kit used as a set of instruments - sound production (expressive capabilities of timbres), as well as to determine the functional load of the drump. For which the part of percussion instruments is singled out both separately and in an ensemble with other orchestral partp. The tasks were set: 1) Describe the rhythm (rhythmic pattern), in synthesis with texture and dynamicp. To understand some of the functions of the rhythmic pattern, the technique of description through the terminology (slang) of arrangers and computer scientists was used - "drum part", "sustain", "samples", "punch rhythm", etc .; 2) Reveal the "skill" of the "drummer" by listening to audio recordings, and giving a brief description of the performance of the drum kit part; 3) Determine the origins of the style of "The Voice of Asia" by Adil Bestybaev, considering and researching the theoretical and methodological base, where the structuring of traditional Kazakh music in the context of Turkic music in general is clearly taking place, at the same time, defining the composer's style as brightly national and modern.


Adil Bestybaev
Voice of Asia
drum kit part


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