Mozart’s “Abduction from Seral”: Performing and International Aspect of Interpretation of the Aria “Tortures of Every Kind”

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Zhamila Sersembayeva


2nd year Master Degree Student, Vocal Art Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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This article tries to cover the issues related to vocal-performing art, on the example of one of the best operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - “Abduction from Seral”. The Constanta's aria “Tortures of every kind” from the second act of the opera is taken as the basis of the analytical work. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the rise of the direction that studies the performing types of art in modern musicology, as well as by the features of the composer’s aria itself. The article through the methods of holistic and performance analysis identifies the characteristics of the composition, characterizes performance difficulties and formulates methodological recommendations that allow them to be dealt with. The analysis undertaken is based on the interpretation of Jamilya Baspakova, implemented in the production of the Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai. As the results of the work, it is noted that the colorful image of the heroine is entirely represented in this aria due to the complex, winding technique that reveals the features of the timbral coloral soprano.


kidnapping from Seral
Coloratural Soprano


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