The Specifics of the Piano Texture in Vocal Works (on the example of the Vocal Cycle by A. Abdinurov on the Poems of K. Shakarim)

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Aida Azubaeva


Master degree student, Ensemble Art Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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The article attempts to characterize the specifics of the piano texture in the cycle of romances by the modern domestic author A. Abdinurov based on Shakarim's poems. The work is aimed at performing analysis, where the main attention is focused on the peculiarities of the interaction of the soloist and pianist (concertmaster) parts. The presented romances consider the artistic image and features of dramaturgy, as well as in the context of the stylistic features of the composer's writing – issues of vocal genre, piano texture, intonation, tonality, fret, size, and other means of expression. The purpose of the article is to reveal the specific features of the piano part from the point of view of concertmaster skill. Questions of interpretation and analysis of results are key tools for achieving this goal. The object of the analysis was the cycle of romances by A. Abdinurov, consisting of 5 miniatures, each of which has its name and a different texture organization. In general, in his romances, the composer uses the piano part as a full-fledged artistic component that is in constant interaction with the voice, or vice versa - disagreements.


Alibi Abdinurov
vocal cycle
vocal works
Kazakh music


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