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Arts & Humanities
Piano concert performance in Kazakhstan in the XX century has passed a difficult path of development. The study traces the formation of concert piano repertoire in the Kazakh SSR on the example of the most influential institution – the Philharmonic. The reconstruction of the concert life panorama in the 1930s–1960s, the role of chamber music in general and the piano in particular makes it possible to establish links between cultural policy and repertoire, as well as the path that follows up the first works of national composers to the stage. For this purpose, the documents from the archive of the Zhambyl Kazakh State Philharmonic have been analyzed. The source research of the study was primarily focused on concert programs and related discussion minutes of artistic councils and repertoire commissions. A content analysis revealed the names of leading solo pianists who contributed to the development of the piano repertoire.
The statistics showed the complexities and unevenness of its development. Significant milestones have been identified. The first performance of works made by Kazakh composers in a Philharmonic concert took place in 1938 as a part of the Emmanuil Gurevich performance. In 1949, for the first time, a concert consisting entirely of works by Kazakh composers was performed, and several numbers were for solo piano only. Solo concerts took a full-fledged place only after the 1952–53 season, during which Kazakh premieres on music by Aram Khachaturian, Dmitriy Kabalevsky, Alexei Muravlyov and other Soviet composers were performed, along with performances of masterpieces of academic art.
The results of the conducted study characterize the activity of the Kazakh Philharmonic in the selected period in terms of the history of piano performance, concert repertoire and cultural significance of the works of Kazakhstani composers present in it. This allows to draw conclusions about the situation of a musical and sociological nature in 1930s–1960s, which presumably opens the way to study the field of reconstructing the historical knowledge of the musical culture in Kazakhstan.
academic musical culture
piano music
piano repertoire
cultural transformations
Zhambyl Kazakh State Philharmonic
performing arts
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