The Features of Media Art Projects in the Practice of the Kazakhstani Music Scene

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Raushan Jumaniyazova


PhD, Associate Professor, Musicology and Composition Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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Electronic music, which has been evolving worldwide for over a century, developed predominantly within mass genres in Kazakhstan. The first DJs emerged in clubs in the last decades of the 20th century, and the most progressive among them started experimenting with various musical collectives. In the 2010s, techno clubs were established, specialized festivals and media projects began to take shape.

In academic music, interactions with electronic music and electronic musical instruments have been sporadic. This article explores the peculiarities of such media art projects and the technologies governing them, drawing from practical authorial experiences.

The introduction outlines the core problematics, encompassing issues of artistic value and the specificity of media art projects. It posits the hypothesis of the curator as a central figure endowed with additional functions when collaborating with music. The methods section presents the essence of an interdisciplinary approach that adapts methods from various knowledge fields, such as art history, management, musicology, cultural studies, and more. The research sequence is informed by leading theorists of art and media history, including Mario Costa, Fred Forest, and Oliver Grau. The results and discussion section provides an analysis of specific media art projects, including “Ethnotronica” (2022) and “Muzyka Osushestvleniya 41 – MO 41”, an inclusive project in collaboration with Drake Music Scotland (Scotland, 2021-2023). All three projects were conducted without state funding, representing the work of independent organizations. They involved collaborations with electronic musicians and modern technologies, managed by a new type of manager – the curator. These projects fall into the category of media art projects and contribute to the experimental sphere of contemporary music culture in Kazakhstan. The conclusion presents seven key theses that summarize the research findings and outline future prospects.


media-art project
MO 41
musical inclusion
Drake Music Scotland
curatorial practice


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