“Aqqular Sazy” (“Swan Melodies”): Raushan Orazbayeva’s Contribution to the Preservation and Development of the Kobyz Tradition

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Valeriya Nedlina


PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Musicology and Composition Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory



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Arts & Humanities


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The subject of the peer review is the Aqqular Sazy collection by Raushan Orazbayeva. It includes notations of 26 kyuys for qyl-qobyz, dedicated to the swan, a sacred image of Kazakh art. The author is the bearer of an ancient tradition, the creative heir of Yqylas Dukenuly and Daulet Myktybaev, whose school she adopted through the teacher Abdimanap Zhumabekuly. She is widely known in Kazakhstan and abroad.

The main method of peer review was content analysis, during which the significance of the collection was revealed in the context of the history of Kazakh music, Kazakhstani musicology, music education, and performing arts. For the first time, almost all versions of the musical image of a swan, from archaic folk kyuys to the works of young composers (Togzhan Karatay), are collected in a single volume.

The historical value of the fundamental work of Raushan Orazbayeva lies in the construction of the chronology of Aqqu kyuys and in the inclusion of similar images that had previously “migrated” to the dombra and sybyzgy repertoire in qobyz music performance. For this purpose, she herself made and tested in creative practice the qobyz transcriptions of the kyuys by Qozheke Nazaruly, Alshekey Bektіbayuly, Sybankul Kalbassuly, Sugіr Alіuly, Zhunusbay Stambayev, Nurgissa Tlendiyev, and Makalim Koishibayev. Also, each kyuy is equipped with a legend, many of which were not previously recorded and existed only by word of mouth.

The scholar value is in a number of verbal historiography pieces summarised by Raushan Orazbayeva, in the inclusion of musical ethnographic data in the collection, as well as in the scholar edition of the musical text. As a practicing performer, she carefully checks all techniques and updates musical notation methods.

The methodological significance is due to the presence of detailed comments about the qobyz, performing techniques, and annotations for each kyuy with instructions, which are useful not only for beginners but also for experienced qobyzshi. The innovation of the collection is in equipping it with high-quality photo illustrations showing performing techniques, as well as audio and video applications with recordings by Raushan Orazbayeva.


qobyz tradition
music collection
swan image in music
Raushan Orazbayeva
Aqqu kyuy


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