Semiotics of Communication in the Digital Art Space of Kazakhstan (Based on Exhibitions in Astana and Almaty)

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Balzhan Nurbossynova


2nd year Doctoral Student, Art Management and Art History Department

Kazakh National Academy of Choreography


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This study explores the semiotics of communication on Kazakhstani digital visual art platforms in Astana and Almaty. Empirical analysis of exhibitions visited in spring and summer 2024 supports the theoretical framework of semiotic communication used in this work. 
The article aims to conduct a semiotic analysis of communication processes at Kazakhstani digital visual art exhibitions and assess the significance of artistic signs in cultural information exchange. 
Based on Yuri Lotman’s concept of communication semiotics, the study hypothesizes that cultural communication in the digital era activates the semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic content of visual art images. 
The empirical part focuses on museum exhibitions, multimedia projects, and works of digital artists, examining information exchange among the viewer, artist, and artwork. It identifies and classifies the types of signs in communication, offering interpretations from a semantic perspective. Observations demonstrate the dynamics of art communications using digital technologies. The author notes the expansion of the semantic range in contemporary Kazakhstani art and the efforts of digital artists and curators to combine traditional art forms with digital technologies (syntactics of artistic construction). The article shows a shift in communication pragmatics, revealing a trend toward activating the artist’s civic engagement. 
The value of this material lies in illustrating positive processes in contemporary Kazakhstani art. However, the author highlights issues such as insufficient public awareness of digital art content, lack of platforms uniting digital artists’ works, and the absence of open dialogue venues for critical analysis of new digital visual art.


digital art
contemporary Kazakhstani art


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