Rethinking the Position of a Human Being in a Socio-Cultural Context in the Concept of Film Director Vladimir Tyulkin

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Aidos Seitzhan


1st Year Doctoral Student at the Art Studies Department, Senior Lecturer,
Film and TV Directing Department

Kazakh National University of Arts


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The article investigates the evolution of documentary cinematography of Kazakhstan during the period of independence through the prism of films by Vladimir Tyulkin. The work analyzes how the reflection of the country’s socio-cultural changes expresses itself through the documentary films, revealing the connection between the director’s personal interpretation and historical transformations.
The use of Eduard Dubrovskiy’s methodology such as “problem statement”, “hero reflecting the essence of the problem”, “primary dramatic situation” and “method of embodiment” allows us to identify the main dramaturgical categories in Tyulkin’s films, as well as to explore how the director builds a dialog with the audience, unfolding social and historical narratives. The documentary films chosen for art historical analysis are: Lord of the Flies (1991), It’s not about Dogs (2010), and 13 Kilometers (2018). These films have not yet received a sufficiently deep and comprehensive analysis in academic literature. They show various aspects of Kazakhstan’s reality, including political changes, social challenges and personal stories of ordinary people influenced by big historical processes. The analysis focuses on the visual and narrative strategies that the filmmaker uses to create a powerful emotional impact and a deep understanding of the events context.
The novelty of the study lies in the exploration of these three works that reveal the author’s concept of directing, aimed to the psychological review of a human being and his interaction with the surrounding world. It opens new horizons for understanding the interaction of cinema with the socio-cultural context.


documentary cinematography of Kazakhstan
Vladimir Tyulkin
documentary film
visual and narrative strategies
concept of directing
interaction of cinema


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