Cataloging, Indexing and Mapping Typical Tunes of Tuvan Kozhamyk Songs

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Yekaterina Tiron


PhD, Senior Researcher

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation

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The phenomenon of standard tunes is widespread in Siberian song traditions. This phenomenon is recorded in Tuvan folk songs as well. Typical tunes make up the melodic fund of the kozhamyk song genre, and are also found in wedding songs, lullabies, song inserts in narratives, curse songs, throat singing and some yry songs. The concept of a typical tune is characterized by a complex of characteristics: typified structure, polytextuality, non-localization and local distribution.

To date, 150 typical tunes have been identified in the studied material based on archival and published material of Tuvan kozhamyk. The tunes are polytextual; there is no stable connection between the melody and the poetic text. The typified nature of the structure manifests itself primarily at the slogorhythmic level. All tunes are сategorized according to this criterion into eight groups. Sound-pitch organization of Tuvan kozhamyks is based on the anhemitonic pentatonic scale, the peculiarity of which is the presence of a scale with a whole-tone sequence. The tunes, as a rule, are five-six-step; four and seven step tunes are less common. Based on the finalis location, five groups of tunes two of which are basic, are distinguished.

The author of the article has indexed typical tunes simplifying their systematization and mapping, and also allowing the introduction of new material for research. The index consists of three parts separated by dots: for example, index 3.E.11 means that it is the 11th tune in a group of the third syllabic type with E. finalis. The main goal of the research is to identify the stock of typical Tuvan tunes, characterize their functioning and determine the local boundaries of their existence.


Turkic peoples of Siberia
folk music
Tuvan folk songs
song tradition
typical tunes
polytextural tunes
local research
cataloging of tunes


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