Clarinet act of the Nineteenth Century Romanticism and its Role in the Development of Clarinet Music

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Saltanat Mustafina


2nd year Master Degree Student, Wind and Percussion Instruments Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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In modern music science there are issues of studying composer creativity closely related to performing practice. The purpose of the article is to consider various aspects of the interaction between the composer and the performer on the example of clarinet music of the Romantic era of the 19th century. In the course of the work on the topic, the author analyses the development of the clarinet in the era of Romanticism, the creative process of the composer’s work in cooperation with the performer. The article describes the most significant works for the clarinet in the work of leading 19th-century composers.


кларнетовая музыка
музыка романтизма XIX века
исполнительство на кларнете
музыкальная культура


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