On the Problem of Working Sound Material in the Musical and Sound Design of Cinema at the Present Stage

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Nikita Yakovlev


2nd year Master Degree Student, Musicology and Composition Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory



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Arts & Humanities


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The article considers technical means and tools of creation of musical accompaniment and design of films at the present stage of development of cinema art. The research is based on the creative experience of the author of the article as a composer, on the currently available theoretical works in the field of research and sound processing, among them – M. Shion «Sound: listen, hear, observe» and also some musicological works, such as «The Theory of Modern Composition» under the edition V. Tsenova. 

Various research methods are used in the work. Among them, there is the dialectical method, which the analysis of the main stages and trends of the emergence, development and functioning of sound material is based on; theoretical method, including the analysis of the facts on the presented problem; an empirical method, which is the basis of the study of technical and sound means in practice.

The results of the study give an idea of the current situation in the field of music and cinema, as well as in the scientific field related to computer technology. Prerequisites for further research of the presented issue create the possibility of development of electronic digital technologies and new composer techniques, as well as the management of software equipment and the possibility of mastering the composer of various types of mediaprogramming, sound design, engineering and application of all this in the creative process. 


film music
media music
electronic music
virtual sound libraries


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