Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

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By submitting an article for review, an author agrees to the terms of the License Agreement (Public Offer) about the publication of materials and guarantees, for its part, compliance with the rules of public ethics declared by Saryn. The License Agreement (Public Offer) is concluded between Saryn at Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory Republican State Enterprise and the author/authors verbally on the terms, specified in the License Agreement (Public Offer), and has legal force without signing by the two parties.
The Saryn's editorial board accepts for consideration only original, previously unpublished research and articles prepared taking into account scientific and ethical standards and formatted in strict accordance with the requirements set out below.

The research subject, proposed to the editorial office, should correspond to one of the main sections of the journal: Art and Humanities (studies, archive materials, reviews /peer/, chronicle, and interviews).
Articles could be accepted only through the website system of
Authors are fully responsible for articles content (including the information accuracy given, citations, references and the list of sources and References). Articles by authors holding at least a Master of Arts degree may be published in Saryn  (subject to the approval of the Editorial Council and reviewers). The editorial board may not share opinions of authors and is not responsible for accuracy of a text published by the authors. The Saryn editorial board is also not liable to authors and/or third parties and organizations for possible damage caused by publication of an article.

All the works, submitted to the editorial office, undergo a plagiarism check procedure. If any detection of plagiarism publishing event or detection of plagiarism, the article is subject to rejection or is subject to a retraction procedure.

Author scientific research, studies and interviews in Saryn are published free of charge. The journal covers the costs of reviewing, editing, proofreading, typesetting and other editorial work.
Saryn does not pay any fees to authors of articles.
If necessary, an author can order a printed version of an issue, the cost of which is 10, 000 ₸ (= 25 $, = 20 €, = 1,800 ₽) + postage to any country in the world.

Consideration period for articles submitted to the editorial board: 20–90 days.
Review procedure: 15–45 days.
Editing and typesetting procedure: 30 days.
All articles are published in accordance with the order of receipt or at the discretion of the editorial board related to the requirements imposed by an authorized body or the thematic issue of Saryn.

Each author must necessarily go through the registration procedure (for new authors) by filling out all the forms offered by the site, including full name, academic degree, position, place of work, ORCID ID. The authors profile must be filled in three languages.

Authors through the site system must go to New Material menu (on the screen right side) and download the following two files (1 Anonymized article, 2 Information about the author).
1.  Anonymized article. An article fully anonymized text is uploaded to the site in MS Word format (with the .docx extension). The article's file name and text should not contain the author name. For more information about the file contents, see Manuscript structuring rules.
2.  Information about the author. This document contains information in three languages (only English and Russian are allowed for foreign authors): information about the authors, including full name (as in the certifying documents), an academic degree, title, position, place and full address of the organization in which the author works; ORCID ID; email; phone number for contacting the author (for the editorial office); contribution of the authors (if there are two authors); gratitude to the editorial board, reviewers, scientists, institutions (if any). For more information about the contents of the file, see Formatting rules for information about author.

Articles, executed without taking into account the above requirements, are not accepted for publication. If an author has not fulfilled the requirements for the number of attached files (2 in total), or has not taken into account one of the points of the authors' guide, the editorial board has grounds to reject the submitted materials.