The role and significance of high technologies in the pandemic period in Kazakhstan

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Zulfyia Kassimova

Candidate of art, senior researcher

M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art


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Arts & Humanities


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In this article, the author comprehends an important issue and the role and importance of high technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan during a pandemic. During this period, many representatives in the field of culture and education had to switch to a new format of work in the shortest possible time, which made it possible to continue the educational activities of educational institutions practically without loss, to conduct cultural and scientific events in the public domain for a chic audience.
The author pays special attention to the leading digital platforms: Zoom and Skype, the first of which made it possible to provide video lessons and online lectures. However, the spring training period showed some problems in the stable operation of this application. In this regard, the author of the article refers to the speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev, who stated the need to revise the state program "Digital Kazakhstan" and hold the subsequent period under the sign of effective digitalization of the country.


high technologies
the period of the pandemic in the Republic of Kazakhstan
educational platforms
online education


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