Development of traditional music and its integration into the world spaceDEVELOPMENT OF TRADITIONAL MUSIC AND ITS INTEGRATION INTO THE WORLD SPACE

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Arman Zhudebaev

Honored Worker of the Kazakhstan, Laureate of the Prize of the Foundation of the First President - Elbasy, Rector

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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In this article, the author considers important aspects in the development and formation of traditional Kazakh music, its significance and place today in the world space. The historical and cultural methods of research are used as the basis. Understanding the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people is of particular importance in the knowledge of the life of a modern person. This spirit of freedom, characteristic of the Kazakh people, as the author notes, is reflected in their work, which finds its place in the next generation, which is expressed in the development of the culture of Kazakhstan – a harmonious combination of the historical heritage and traditions of the Kazakh people with other ethnic groups. The modern musical culture of Kazakhstan, according to the author's observations, has a wide range of development and includes three directions – Kazakh traditional, academic and mass music. Each of the presented directions includes a rich artistic content, which have their own audience, tools and a unique system of genres and styles.


the traditional heritage of the Kazakhs
traditional culture
the history of the formation of Kazakh folk music
modern Kazakhstan


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