History of the Origin of Folk Wind Instruments in Azerbaijan and the role of Alakbar Asgarov in the Development of the Performing School

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Mahira Guliyeva


Candidate of the Azerbaijan National Conservatory, Teacher

Azerbaijan National Conservatory and The State Conservatory of Konya


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Arts & Humanities


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This article outlines a brief history of the development of folk wind instruments in Azerbaijan. The presented article reveals the role and significance of the outstanding, virtuoso performer on wind instruments Azerbaijan and the creator of the “School of playing Azerbaijani folk wind instruments balaban, tutek, ney and zurna” Alakbar Asgarov. He is the creator of instrumental dance melodies and mugham rengs, as well as one of the founders of the school of playing Azerbaijani folk instruments such as
balaban, zurna, tutek and nay. The purpose of this article is to consider the features of the folk wind instruments of Azerbaijan and the role of Alakbar Asgarov in their development. According to professional musicians and artists, A. Asgarov is the most virtuoso these instruments performer and innovator. He not only worked on improving the design of traditional instruments but also adapted the European clarinet for the performance of Azerbaijani music, in the construction of which he made significant changes. For many generations of musicians, his performing art is a standard and an example.


Azerbaijan music
Alakbar Asgarov
folk wind instruments


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