Uzbekistan Museum of Arts in the Building of the Tashkent Factory-Kitchen (1934–1941)

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Mikhail Ovchinnikov


Deputy Director for Research

State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan


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Arts & Humanities


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This article focuses on one of the under-researched periods in the history of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan, which lasted from 1934 to 1941. During this period, the museum was named the Uzbekistan Museum of Arts and was located in the building of the Tashkent factory-kitchen. The article provides previously unpublished information from archival documents kept in the archive of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan, shedding light on the activities of the museum during this period. The image of the museum’s exhibition in the factory-kitchen building is recreated on the basis of archival photographic materials and architectural drawings from collections of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan. The main attention is paid to the circumstances of the transfer of the factory-kitchen building to the museum, the architectural features of the building, and activities managed by the museum in the new conditions. For the first time, the project for the exterior design of the museum building, proposed in 1938, but never implemented, as well as the sketch of the museum’s exhibition halls in the central cylinder of the factory-kitchen by the artists Viktor Ufimtsev and Liya Ufimtseva, are published. A complete list of exhibitions, organized by the museum within its walls in 1935–1937, is provided, as well as information on the museum’s attendance over these years. A conclusion is drawn about the active and successful museum’s activities during the period under review, despite difficult conditions. Special attention is paid to the factory-kitchen building itself as a work of constructivist architecture, which became home for the museum. The question is raised whether the Uzbekistan Museum of Arts was the first art museum in the USSR to open in a constructivist building.


State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan Museum of Arts
soviet art


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