Ballets by Jiří Kylián in Kazakhstan

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Dilara Shomayeva


PhD, Senior Lecturer, Art Studies and Art Management Department

Kazakh National Academy of Choreography


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Arts & Humanities


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The subject of this article is the staging research of ballets by one of the greatest choreographers of the 20th century, Jiří Kylián, on the Kazakhstani stage. During the theatrical seasons of 2022–2023, performances from the Black and White series were added to the repertoire of two ballet collectives: Fallen Angels by the Astana Ballet theater, Six Dances, and Little Death by the Astana Opera theater. The aim of this work is to define the key moments of the staging process and analyze of the peculiarities of the choreographic style of the ballet master presented for mastery by our performers.

The methodological basis includes Kylián’s works from the Black and White series, studying which involved various formal analysis methods. Among other methods used are descriptive-analytical, interviews, and the method of participant observation (presence at rehearsals).

 The premieres of the Czech choreographer were preceded by the process of introducing troupes to other outstanding examples of 20th-century ballet art. This contributed to the successful mastery by artists of Kylián’s plastic style, which involves synthesizing classical ballet school with the contraction system of contemporary dance. His creative work is characterized by a close connection of dance with the expressive means of music, as well as the expressive show of feelings and emotions through movement. All of this is evident in three ballets successfully transferred to the capital’s theaters by Kylián’s assistants, Shirley Esseboom and Stefan Żeromski.

The results of their work on Kylián’s ballets in Kazakhstan are evaluated positively, as evidenced by the audience’s and professionals’ interest in the premier performances. The acquisition of these performances is noted for its influence on the activities of young choreographers and ballet artists.


ballets by Jiří Kylián
choreography of the ХХ century
choreographic art of Kazakhstan
Astana Ballet theater
Astana Opera theater


Bremser, M. Fifty Contemporary Choreographers. – London: Routledge, 1999. – 223 p. Kisselgoff, A. Jiri Kylian Turns Creative Corner with a Tale of Simplicity and Purity // The New York Times. – 1999. – Oct. 19, 1994. – Section C. – P. 13.

Kylián J. Life, Love and Death (Interview with choreographer Jiri Kilyan) // Istvan Simon. – 28.05.2015. – [digital source] URL: [access date: 10.06.2023].

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Шомаева, Д. Е. Интервью с Татьяной Тен. Астана, 22.10.2023. Личный архив автора.

Bremser, M. Fifty Contemporary Choreographers. – London: Routledge, 1999. – 223 p.

Kisselgoff, A. Jiri Kylian Turns Creative Corner with a Tale of Simplicity and Purity // The New York Times. – 1999. – Oct. 19, 1994. – Section C. – P. 13.

Kylián J. Life, Love and Death (Interview with choreographer Jiri Kilyan) // Istvan Simon. – 28.05.2015. – [digital source] URL: [access date: 10.06.2023].

Shomayeva, D. Ye. Intervyu s Olzhasom Tarlanovym [orig. Russian: Interview with Olzhas Tarlanov]. Astana, 24.10.2023. Personal archive of the author.

Shomayeva, D. Ye. Intervyu s Tatyanoy Ten [orig. Russian: Interview with Tatiana Ten]. Astana, 22.10.2023. Personal archive of the author.