In search of Versatility: The History of Music Through the Prism of Musicians’ Specialization

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Kadisha Onalbayeva


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professor of Music, Director of Piano Studies

University of Mobile

United States

Aizhan Kalibayeva


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Doctoral Candidate, Musicology and Composition Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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The article presents a new look at music history from the versatility of the musician’s creative activity point of view, which manifests itself in the diversity of his talent, the multiplicity and cultural breadth of his creative interests. In the field of creative activity, versatility was an integral property of professional musicians both in various cultural traditions and in Western European music until the 18th century.
The research methodology is based on a combination of a comprehensive value method and comparative analysis, which helps to form a holistic idea of the creative versatility in a broad aesthetic, cultural, social, historical and scientific context. The phenomenon of combining the activities of a composer and a pianist in a modern context encourages the study from the standpoint of musical sociology. The exploration of piano style justifies the use of the provisions and approaches of the performance interpretation theory.
In modern conditions, the musician’s self-realization in various traits is once again becoming relevant, which allows for the expansion of the field of creative self-expression and stimulates innovative thinking. Versatility of a creative person is influenced by the aspects of the ethnic worldview and is closely connected with oral proficiency, in which the original syncretism of creativity serves as the foundation for combining functions and expressing diversity. A long process of separating different musical types of activity was influenced by various historical, sociocultural and aesthetic factors. It is associated with two specialization sources – the authorship personification of the oral tradition bearer and the standardization of the sacred music performance, which subsequently led to the emergence of notation. The article also proposes a typology of the versatility of creative activity, due to the differences in psychological and cognitive-behavioral aspects: the syncretic type (oral tradition bearer), in which the roles of the composer and performer closely bound and can’t be separated, and the synthetic type associated with personal desires and motives (musicians of the written traditions).
The results of the conducted study have shown that the final separation of the musical activity functions has not been fully achieved, and probably will not happen in the future due to the psychological nature of the musical process and creativity.


versatility of creative activity
versatility of a musician
division of types of creative activity
musical professionalism


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