The Paradoxical Nature of Art

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Evgeniya Isagulova


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1st year Master Degree Student, String Instruments Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


Alima Kairbekova


PhD in Philosophy, Professor, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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This article discusses philosophical questions about the inviolability of art, which are expressed through the saying "Ars longa, vita brevis est". Why is art eternal? What motivates people who want to be creative? How does art affect the human body? Are creative people really different from others? What is the facet of creative genius with mental health? Is a chemical bond of art possible?

The results of research by scientists from all over the world have amazed with new discoveries. The study of people who create art was conducted. At the end, fundamental changes were identified that affect the brain, behaviour and psychology of a person. Why do children at the initial stage have different attitudes to music lessons in the classroom of the same teacher? Is talent not the main thing in creativity? Why do many creative people not withstand the onslaught of their geniuses? Conducted surveys and analysis of statistical data show a big difference between the number of beginners to engage in creativity with those who continue their journey. What could this be related to? The article examines the view of these current problems from an economic, psychological and personal point of view.

Some of the questions under consideration find their answers, and some of them remain rhetorical or open. Based on such reasoning, one can draw one's own conclusions about the paradoxical nature of art.


ars longa
music, paradox of art
psychology of creativity
questions of art


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