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Arts & Humanities
In the XX century, composers around the world turned to the genre of clarinet concerto with orchestra, this interest was aroused due to the fact that the art of playing the clarinet by the middle of the twentieth century had reached significant peaks. This article is devoted to the work of the French composer Jean
Françaix, namely the issues of performing interpretation and musical analysis of the concerto for clarinet and orchestra. The concerto is one of the most complex works, and adding it to the clarinettist's repertoire speaks of a new level of technical requirements.
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of interpretation and technical difficulties of the concert. The article provides a detailed musical analysis of Jean Françaix «Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra». The author illustrates the analysis with musical examples.
Jean Françaix
clarinet concerto
musical analysis
French music
XX century
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