The Pace of Development of the Modern Art of Bayan in Kazakhstan

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Adilet Zhakiyanov


Master Degree Student, Kobyz and Bayan Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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The button-accordion is one of the rich timbrally, structurally improved musical instruments recognized all over the world and taking a significant place in the Kazakhstan’s culture. This music instrument has undergone many constructive changes and innovative solutions throughout its history (sheng, organ, harmonica). And although the history of the appearance of this wonderful musical instrument dates back to early times, in its current (five-row, multi-timbral, ready-elective) form, the button-accordion has existed for only a few decades. Therefore, the button-accordion is considered a relatively young instrument in the world. With the advent of professional button-accordion’s education in Kazakhstan, both performing and repertoire requirements are growing. In this regard, the sphere of the button accordion is actively developing in the work of domestic performers and composers, both in the form of arrangements of Kazakh kuis and author’s works written for the button-accordion. The Kazakh button-accordion’s art goes to the world level, the performance of these kuis and works by domestic accordion players at international competitions. Despite this, the lack of materials about the individuals who worked tirelessly on the path of the formation of the Kazakh accordion art, about their creativity and works, and the issues of the further development of this branch of music determines the relevance of this topic of the article, and requires a comprehensive study.




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