“Dance of the Heart. Flight of the Soul”. Exhibition as a Project

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Togzhan Moldalim


Master of Music Criticism, 1st year doctoral student, Art Management Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory



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Arts & Humanities


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This article presents a description of the cultural and educational exhibition project in the country, dedicated to children’s fine arts in the context of dance art.

At all times, the issue of education and enlightenment of young people has always been at the forefront. Such a task caused a variety of not only methodological, but also creative solutions, which were to a greater extent associated with evolutionary processes and the surrounding reality. Today, in the age of the Internet, being in one place, it is possible to attend several events around the world at the same time, including participating in competitions.

The purpose of this article is to comprehend, analyze and describe the “Dance of the Heart. Flight of the Soul” republican exhibition, timed to coincide with the International Ballet Day and the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To study the topic, the author used analytical and descriptive methods. The sociocultural approach seems to be productive for the study as one of the ways to determine the conditions and main characteristics of the creative environment among children and adolescents, the identification of which will contribute to the development of motivation for creative self-expression and creative competencies of children and youth.

In order to comprehend the exhibition project, a review of sources was carried out and conceptual and practical approaches to organizing and conducting a children's creative project were formulated. Thanks to the analysis of the exhibition, it became possible to determine what methods can be used to develop children's and adolescent creativity, and to express of some internal, often unconscious intentions at a similar age.


exhibition project
exhibition of children's drawings
Qazaq Ballet Creative Lab


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