Multilingualism as a Factor of Personality in Kazakhstan

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Gulsm Arkabaeva


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Master of Philology, Teacher, Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


Tamara Berdalieva


Teacher, Social Sciences Department

Kazakh National Agrarian University


Gulzira Ermekbaeva


Master of Philology, Teacher, Russian Language and Literature Department

Kazakh Pedagogical University named of Abay


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Arts & Humanities


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Multilinguism as an important direction in the development and formation of personality in Kazakh society. Describes the importance of building a multicultural multilingual person possessing the information, communication and intellectual needs, abilities and competencies. Exploring the process of implementing multylinguism in the educational process, it is a generalized model of multylingual personality. Also it indicated that the levels of formation of multilingual personality to a certain extent arbitrary. Noted the importance of the development of research in the field of multylinguism ethnolinguistics in which should be developed evidence-based guidelines and regulations for educational practice on the rational combination of spheres of influence, the functioning and development of languages. Listed specific forms of organization and development of multilingual education in Kazakhstan at the present stage.


national language
the language of international communication
polylingual person trinity of languages


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