The National Symbol of the Musical Art of Kazakhstan (for the 100th anniversary of the Famous Singer Rosa Baglanova)

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Gulmira Musagulova

PhD in Arts, Professor, Musicology and Composition Department 

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatoire


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Arts & Humanities


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The article is dedicated to the life and work of famous Kazakh performer R. T. Baglanova. There are various stages of the life of Rosa Tazhibaevna: the process of transformation, significant difficulties, military years, grief loss and loss, the time associated with physical disabilities, essential stages of the productive activity of opera and a variety of bells, which is very similar to the history of Kazakhstan. The story describes the achievements of the legendary leader of the war years, as well as the friendly atmosphere of the people and society. With his talent and outstanding performing skills, he gained particular respect and love not only for his people but for the whole world. She breathed in the words of the Great Patriotic War and admired the people in the last period. And I was interested in this remarkable woman, they say about her, as a subtle storyteller.
The issues of the repertoire and features of the performance of the legendary soprano producer were highlighted. Each song, in its interpretation, is accompanied by a performance analysis and history of the revival of a musical masterpiece. Among them – “Ah, Samara city”, “I went to Lenka”, “the Little Duck”, and many others.


musical art


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