Conversation with the Professor: Umitzhan Rakhmetullovna Jumakova

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Gulnar Abdirakhman


PhD in Arts, Professor, Musicology and Composition Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Umitzhan Rakhmetullovna Jumakova is a doctor of art, professor, musicologist, lecturer, music critic, and teacher. She is an author of monographs, textbooks, articles and reports on various issues of musicology containing the most valuable methodological messages for current and future musicologists. Her activities, covering the last two decades of the Soviet period (1970–1980s) and the years of independent Kazakhstan (1990–2020s), were devoted to the study of the work of composers and reflected the current areas of scientific interests of musicologists in Kazakhstan. The proposed conversations with the professor were born from the idea of getting reliable information about the history of musical culture and education in the republic directly from its participants. In the dialogue of musicologists of two generations, questions of initial professional formation and higher musical education are reviewed. Through biographical facts and events, the specifics of education at the K. Baiseitova Republican Special Music School are revealed, as well as the features of the system of Soviet music education, the traditions of the theoretical school of the Moscow Conservatory are noted, the features of the methodology of famous teachers and the problems of training scholars in modern Kazakhstan are characterized. The formation of a specialist and personality is shown in connection with the general historical context, with the socio-cultural environment of the central cities of Moscow and Almaty.


Umitzhan Jumakova
Baiseitova Music School
Moscow State Conservatory
musicology of Kazakhstan


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