The Formation of National Painting in Central Asia – Abylkhan Kasteyev and Ural Tansykbayev

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Nigora Akhmedova

Doctor of Sciences in Study of Art, Member of the Uzbekistan Academy of Arts, Chief Scholar, Department of Fine Arts and Decorative and Applied Art, Institute of Art Studies

Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences


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The article is devoted to the specifics of the first stage painting formation in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The goal is to reveal how the first national painters, both Abylkhan Kasteyev and Ural Tansykbayev, represented the general and special features in the art development of the region.

The objectives of this study include the analysis of different artistic and aesthetic contexts and traditional thoughts on development traits of Kazakh and Uzbek painting, their role and influence, as well as the relevant role of the ideological factor on artistic processes in the art of the past era. Within the stated topic, related to the formation of a new-type culture in the region, as well as the intercivilizational interaction, the methodological foundation of the study is based on a set of theoretical developments on the problems of cultural interaction, the theory of “cultural transfer”. Comparative typological analysis and modernist discourse are applied to reveal the features of the genesis of the regional arts to be a rejection of the old traditional art system while approving a new European model.

In conclusion it is explained that the specifics of the historical and cultural context of the first XX century decades determined the development dynamics of each national school. The attention is drawn to the fact that for many centuries the principles of adaptation, interaction, dialogue of various artistic influences is at the base of the development of Central Asia, thus A. Kasteyev and U. Tansybaev were able to evolve at the time. The results of the study show that, while adapting to the historical and cultural context, each national school was formed following an independent logic. A. Kasteyev is a gradual perception of European art forms, where to master the “draw from life” method was important. U. Tansykbayev immediately began with the plastic search of modernism, but not as it used to be, “from a timid student to masterpieces”.


national painting


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