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Arts & Humanities
The article deals with intellectual and role-playing games as active methods of teaching Russian language in a foreign audience. The function of role play as a form of teaching dialogical communication at different stages of training is described. Examples of intellectual games used in practical classes in the Russian language are given. The article also discusses innovative forms of learning and (not only) when we teach Russian as foreign and non-native, we use new methods and new technologies in our teaching practice. Our goal is to show that the use of the active method, namely the intellectual game - quizzes, role-playing games in the Russian language classes is effective for learning new knowledge and skills in teaching students Russian as a foreign language. The play method is most effective in teaching foreign students, as well as students who are not native speakerp.
The game, as an integral part of human life, contains rich resources for improving the effectiveness of teaching methods and technologies, including teaching foreign languagep. A game is an activity that was chosen from real life, a game is a preliminary training before performing real tasks in various areas of life. In the game, a person experiences and recognizes himself, his strength and capabilitiep. Games in our classes are like "brainstorming", which takes place in an increased physical, intellectual and emotional environment. The game is integral and necessary part of the culture.
active learning
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