The spiritual beginning in the work of Sergey Taneyev on the example of the cantata «John of Damascus»

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Zarina Bulatova


Spirituality is one of the most important spheres of universal culture. In the philosophy of the 20th century, “spirituality appears as a person’s ability to transcend the present reality,” namely, as a belief in the existence of higher transcendental principles, incomprehensible, mysteriously connected with a separate human soul. The concept of “spirituality” is a multifaceted philosophical sphere of knowledge, covering all aspects of human life. Realizing the full depth of the designated concept, in the framework of this study it is limited to the religious principle, the church sphere.
In this article, I study the work of Sergey Taneyev through the prism of his contemporary Pavel Grigoryevich Chesnokov. Features of the choral writing of composers, harmonic language, style features. Composers were contemporaries, but this did not affect their creative heritage.
The cantata "John Damaskin" by Sergey Taneev is considered a treasure trove of world musical heritage. At the age of 28, the composer composed the work as if he had lived his life more than a dozen times. The follower of Bach harmoniously performed all the beginnings of this cantata. Not only their spirituality, but also the spirituality of the entire Christian religion, combined with the complexity of a harmonious language and at the same time accessibility. With confidence we can assume that Taneev was a phenomenon of world music, and such a work as he composed, he will no longer be.

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Spirituality is one of the most important spheres of universal culture. In the philosophy of the 20th century, “spirituality appears as a person’s ability to transcend the present reality,” namely, as a belief in the existence of higher transcendental principles, incomprehensible, mysteriously connected with a separate human soul. The concept of “spirituality” is a multifaceted philosophical sphere of knowledge, covering all aspects of human life. Realizing the full depth of the designated concept, in the framework of this study it is limited to the religious principle, the church sphere.
In this article, I study the work of Sergey Taneyev through the prism of his contemporary Pavel Grigoryevich Chesnokov. Features of the choral writing of composers, harmonic language, style features. Composers were contemporaries, but this did not affect their creative heritage.
The cantata "John Damaskin" by Sergey Taneev is considered a treasure trove of world musical heritage. At the age of 28, the composer composed the work as if he had lived his life more than a dozen times. The follower of Bach harmoniously performed all the beginnings of this cantata. Not only their spirituality, but also the spirituality of the entire Christian religion, combined with the complexity of a harmonious language and at the same time accessibility. With confidence we can assume that Taneev was a phenomenon of world music, and such a work as he composed, he will no longer be.


choral writing


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