Composing Music for Choreographic Projects: Cases and Trends

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Damir Urazymbetov


PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Art Management Department, Head of the International Department, Head of the Qazaq Ballet Creative Lab

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


Togzhan Moldalim


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MA (Music Criticism), 2nd year Doctoral Student, Art Management Department, Lecturer of the General Professional Courses Department, A. Seleznyov Almaty Choreographic School

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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All over the world the studies on the collaboration between music composers and dance creators are highly sought after. This is driven by the rapid evolution of musical and choreographic art fields in today’s creative industries. Organizing and promoting such cultural practices is crucial to complement the creative aspect. That’s why the present study examines the tendencies of compositional creativity in Kazakhstan in terms of its integration into choreographic projects. It can also be considered as a projection on cultural management. The article aims to the analytical review of the recent years’ implemented cases, that demonstrate the ways and formats of interaction between music and dance. The article considers the following questions: the interaction of music and choreography in a historical context; the creation of music and compilation of music for ballet; the design of music for dance and dance video, as well as the ways to support compositional creativity.
This study of temporal and spatial art forms is built at the interface of several sciences. For the conceptual analysis the authors of the article required a wide range of historical and socio-cultural sources in the specified areas of art. The work was divided into several stages and used analytical, comparative and historical methods projected onto the Kazakh musical theater and other institutions related to the dance art. Also, an interviewing method was applied for the survey of practicing composers and directors, music editors and performers.
The design of music and choreography has a wide range of relationships and demands that are necessary for the execution of audiovisual projects.
This article with its understanding of cases in the field of ballet theater, dance troupes or video clips may be interesting both theoretically and practically not only for the scholars, but also for composers and choreographers who are only at the beginning of their creative paths. In addition, the article raises the problem of promoting and supporting compositional creativity. A thorough understanding of the music creation process for dance can foster more effective collaborations among creators, as well as the development of cultural management and clusters of creative industries.


composing music
designing music
music and choreographic art
cultural practices
compositional creativity
choreographic projects
music for ballet
music for dance
promoting and supporting


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