Mythological Theme in French Flute Music

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Yerzhan Kushanov


Master Degree Student, Wind and Percussion Instruments Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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The article is devoted to the issues of the embodiment of mythological themes in French flute music. The author, based on the works of A. Losev, K. Levi-Strauss, M. Eliade, Y. Zuev, S. Kondybay, Z. Naurzbaeva, examines characteristics common to myth and music, emphasizes the relevance and specificity of musical works on mythological themes.

The article notes new ways of actualizing the myth in modern humanitarian knowledge, including the use of myths as a basis for the scientific reconstruction of historical events, cultural representations of the people, philosophical, aesthetic and musical concepts. Important characteristics of the flute are also indicated, sharpening the significance of the topic for this particular instrument: the prevalence of flute instruments among the peoples of the world, the abundance and variety of myths about the origin of the flute. Based on the analysis of flute works by K. Reinecke (“Undine”), C. Debussy (“Afternoon of a Faun”, "Syrinx"), A. Jolivet ("Song of Linos"), compositional and performing receptions. The personal interpretation of myths by French composers is provided by new ways of organizing sounds, a peculiar choice of means of musical expression gives rise to new meanings, recreates a new interpretation of myths.


mythological themes
French music
new reading of myths


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