The Role of Projects in the Development of Mugham Art in Azerbaijan

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Gulyar Babayeva


Student, Traditional Music and Modern Technologies Departmen

Baku Music Academy named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli


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Arts & Humanities


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Mugam is the pearl of world music. Unlike the musical genres existing in the world, mugham played an important role in the formation and survival of the national and cultural heritage of many peoples and for centuries has been an important part of our national and cultural heritage as one of the national symbols of the Azerbaijani people. In this sense, it is the duty of each of us to preserve and develop this cultural heritage and culture that preserve us as a nation. The history of the development of the art of mugham and the evolution of the second half of the 19th century deserve special attention. At this time, when the fields of art of many sciences developed and formed, interest in the art of mugham did not go unnoticed. Thus, at that time, musical gatherings of the intelligentsia and art connoisseurs were organized in different regions of Azerbaijan. 

These meetings played an important role in passing on mugham to new generations. Music festivals held in Garabagh have had a positive impact on raising public awareness and cultural development in Azerbaijan as a whole. The organization of these meetings is valuable as an important event in the formation of the socio-political situation of that time and especially in the development of the art of mugham. Mugam, as a genre of professional music with an oral tradition, is still the foundation of our national music culture. This article discusses the development of Azerbaijani mugham in our time and how mugham projects have influenced the development of the art of mugham. The author of ideas and projects is Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Azerbaijan’s First Lady, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva. 


Heydar Aliyev Foundation


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Xarı Bülbül Musiqi Festivalı.[ Elektronny resurs]


Muğam Dünyası Beynәlxalq musiqi festivalı [Elektronny resurs] URL: