Methodology Manual for Preparation to Colloquium for Students-Pianists of Secondary Specialized Music Schools

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Sholpan Dushanova


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Teacher, Compulsory Piano Section

Republic Kazakh specialized music school for gifted children named after Ahmet Zhubanov


Aizhan Omarova


Teacher, Compulsory Piano Section

Republic Kazakh specialized music school for gifted children named after Ahmet Zhubanov


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Arts & Humanities


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The manual is addressed to students and teachers of secondary specialized music educational institutions and intended for self-preparation of students for the coloquium. The questions are built on the basis of the systematization of basis knowledge from academic disciplines - methodological, musical-theoretical, as well as some aspects of general knowledge of aesthetic and style trends in the field of music, fine arts and literature. The work is designed to form a complex of performing knowledge, and to enhance outlook in the field of art and literature. Beginner pianists need to have a presentation on strokes, dynamics, rhythm, the basis of musical-theoretical knowledge, to distinguish genres and forms of works performed by them. Students of middle classes should know the types of polyphonic works, the structure of classical works - sonatas, concerts, to have an idea about piano work of romantics, distinctive features of their work. Senior students should master the basic knowledge of basic aesthetic and stylistic directions in the field of music, fine arts and literature. And also be able to do executive analysis of works from their program.


executive analysis


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