Comparative aspects of studying string-bowed instruments similar to the kazakh qobyz

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Laura Abdumanapovna


PhD in Arts, teacher, Pop Vocal Department

T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, teacher


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The article is devoted to the comparative study of string-bowed instruments similar to the Kazakh qyl-qobyz. As you know, the Kazakh qyl-qobyz belongs to the oldest type of bowed chordophones, various analogues of which functioned on the territory of Central Asia, Siberia, China, and the Middle East. In the course of the research, questions of the main design properties and timbre parameters of comparable objects of instrumental analysis will be developed, and the idea of the design properties of qobyz in many similar instruments will be based; the dominant function of the qobyz as the "primary tool" is determined; the comparative typological analysis traces the stages of evolution of the qobyz to the violin. The article outlines the ways of development of ancient bowed chordophones, their transformation in the direction of modern bowed chordophones, which reflect the common roots and in-depth cultural and historical ties of the peoples of the Central Asian and Middle Eastern regions and Europe.


bowed chordophones
Kazakh music
music of Turkic-speaking peoples
comparative ethnoorganology.


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